Since 1996, Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting has completed more than 450 projects ranging from small parcel assessments to large-scale conservation, mitigation, and development planning projects. Project budgets have ranged from a few hundred dollars to more than a million dollars. Project areas have ranged from a few acres to more than 150,000 acres. Our expertise and project experience cover the key areas as summarized below. Read our Statement of Qualifications (PDF) for details. You can also view examples of our services on the Projects pages, which include high resolution maps.

Regional Conservation Planning and Development Studies

Mitigation Bank and Mitigation Preserve Establishment

Conservation Land Management and Monitoring

Wetland, Riparian, and Upland Habitat Restoration

Rare Plant Surveys, Research, and Restoration

Wildlife Surveys, Research, and Restoration

Formal Wetland Delineation and Sensitive Habitat Mapping

Vegetation Ecology, Classification, and Mapping

Biological Constraints Analysis, Impact Assessment, and Permitting