A team of VNLC biologists assisted with field sampling for a study of differential frog species diversity within four rainforest microhabitats in the Peruvian Amazon forest. The study site was at the Los Amigos Biological Station. The project was led by Dr. Rudolph von May, a noted expert on the frogs of Peru and a previous employee of VNLC.
The field work involved establishing line transects and plots, and conducting nighttime headlamp surveys to capture and identify all frogs present, and collect other data on frog snout-vent length and health, and collect chytrid swab samples. The survey techniques included sifting through the accumulated leaf litter on the forest floor which stirred up a profusion of insects, spiders, and other invertebrates. Other wildlife inhabiting the study site included coral snakes, caimans, howler monkeys, and tapirs.