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Kristen Chinn

B.S. Conservation and Resource Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2016
B.A. Geography, University of California, Berkeley, 2016

  • Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting: Staff Ecologist, 2018-present
  • Soil and Environmental Biogeophysics Lab, UC Berkeley: Research Assistant, 2016

Ms. Chinn’s undergraduate work focused on agriculture, geography, and GIS. During her undergraduate degree, Ms. Chinn spent a year working under PhD candidate Sarick Matzen studying the ability of Pteris vittata to accumulate arsenic in contaminated soils. Her field survey technique experience includes seining and RMA surveys. She is proficient in ArcGIS, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Creative Suite software, and data collection using Trimble GPS units.

Ms. Chinn has applied her skills to a variety of projects in Northern California and the Central Valley with VNLC. She is trained in spatial analysis and aerial imagery interpretation, and has assisted on multiple mapping projects.  Her field experience includes biological inspections, general inspections, fish surveys, nesting bird surveys, and wetland delineations.

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