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Jake Schweitzer

B.A. Physical Geography (concentration in ecology and geographic information science), University of California, Berkeley, 1995

  • Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting: Senior Ecologist and GIS Specialist, 2003–present
  • Wetlands and Water Resources: Wetland Ecologist/GIS Specialist Consultant, 2001-2005
  • UC Berkeley College of Natural Resources, CAMFER Lab: Ecologist/GIS Specialist Research Assistant, 2000-2001
  • Applied Geographics, Boston, MA: GIS Technical Manager, 1997-2000
  • City of Oakland: GIS Technician, 1996-1997
  • U.C. Berkeley Map Library: Assistant Librarian, 1993 – 1996

Mr. Schweitzer combines 20 years of experience as a professional vegetation and wetland ecologist with nearly 24 years of experience in cartography and geographic information science (GIS, remote sensing/image analysis, and GPS technology). His ecological focus has been in botanical and wetland sciences. He holds federal and state permits to survey for listed fairy shrimp, California red-legged frog, and California tiger salamander and is certified in the vegetation mapping techniques developed by the California Native Plant Society and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. He is also trained to conduct California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) surveys as well as wetland delineation surveys. Mr. Schweitzer has been a docent for the past 15 years at the East Bay Regional Park Botanic Garden, teaching native California plant ecology to the public.

Mr. Schweitzer has applied his skills to a wide array of projects, from surveying and modeling threats posed by Sudden Oak Death Syndrome, to performing large-scale botanical and aquatic wildlife surveys, to designing habitat restoration projects. He has served as the lead ecologist and GIS specialist for many of VNLC’s regional conservation and land use projects from the Bay Area to the San Joaquin Valley and surrounding foothill regions. He recently completed a federally-funded project involving the propagation and reintroduction of the critically endangered large-flowered fiddleneck (Amsinckia grandiflora) into its historical range and is currently overseeing a similar project to reintroduce the endangered Contra Costa goldfields (Lasthenia conjugens) into its namesake county. He is also leading a vegetation sampling project that encompasses the entire Cascade Mountain Range of northern California.

B.A. Physical Geography (concentration in ecology and geographic information science), University of California, Berkeley, 1995. Recipient of Lucille McClish Oberlander Award “for Outstanding Achievement in Physical Geography.”

TE-035336-6 Vernal Pool Branchiopods and California Tiger Salamander (adult and larval);
SC-5949 Amphibians and Vernal Pool/Terrestrial Invertebrates;
2081(a)-17-109-V Plant Voucher 

Restoration of Wildcat Creek at Tilden Botanic Garden (Contra Costa County, CA)
Senior Ecologist and Project Manager (2022 – Present)

Overseeing a habitat evaluation and protocol-level botanical surveys in support of the restoration of Wildcat Creek within and just downstream of the East Bay Regional Park District’s native Botanic Garden in Tilden Regional Park. Results so far include the documentation of two locally rare plant species as well as California newt (Taricha torosa).

 Military Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO) (Contra Costa County, CA)
Senior Ecologist and Project Manager (2020 – Present)

After completing a two-year contract to provide environmental services to this approximately 6,000-acre army base, our team was awarded a new four-year contract to continue the services. Services include, but are not limited to, botanical surveys (rare plant surveys and floristic inventories), invasive plant management, herptile surveys, and wetland delineations. Mr. Schweitzer has documented three special-status plants previously unknown from the study area.

Longhorn Fairy Shrimp Rock Outcrop Habitat Modeling and Reintroduction Project (Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
Senior Ecologist, GIS Specialist, and VNLC Project Manager (2017 – Present)

Mr. Schweitzer is serving as a lead researcher in a project that involves analysis of habitat requirements and conducting reintroduction of the federally endangered longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna), which inhabits rock outcrop vernal pools in Contra Costa County and Alameda County. The project is being managed by Dr. Doug Bell of the East Bay Regional Park District. The first phase of the project involved conducting multiple years of wet season and dry season surveys for the species, and documented biotic and abiotic conditions of occupied vernal pools. The second phase involves identifying suitable reintroduction habitat and then carrying out reintroduction of the species to unoccupied pools.

John Muir Land Trust Open Services Contract (Contra Costa County, CA)
Senior Ecologist and Computer Mapping Specialist (2015 – Present)

Providing a wide variety of services to this land trust, which owns and manages a large number of properties throughout Contra Costa County. Services include rare plant and wildlife surveys, habitat assessments, providing habitat management recommendations, and preparing digital maps and online resource content. Projects have included the documentation of multiple special-status plants and animals throughout Contra Costa County.

Cull Creek Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Plan (Alameda County, CA)
Senior Ecology and Restoration Designer (2014)

Delineated wetlands and designed riparian restoration plan to enhance habitat, reduce seismic instability of a reservoir, and address sedimentation concerns. Worked with Alameda County engineers to plan stream channel alignment and riparian plantings in order to offset project impacts, increase riparian woodland vegetation, and enhance wildlife habitat.

Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District On-call Biological Services (San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, CA)
Senior Ecologist (2019-Present)

VNLC has an on-call services contract with Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD) to provide biological services on an as-needed bases. Services include biological monitoring, wetland delineation, rare plant and animal surveys, habitat assessments, and analysis and fulfillment of mitigation requirements. More recently, VNLC was awarded a second, separate contract with MROSD as the biological consultant to a CEQA firm for a CEQA open services contract.

East Bay Regional Park District Oak Woodland Restoration Project (Alameda County, CA)
Senior Botanist and Project Manager (Present)

Conducting a habitat study of areas within East Bay Park District lands that are currently occupied by invasive trees (primarily eucalyptus and pine species), with the purpose of identifying optimal sites for oak woodland habitat restoration. Involves compiling and analyzing remote habitat data, conducting field surveys to assess current habitat conditions as well as restoration opportunities and constraints. The final product will be a detailed report, including maps, to elucidate optimal oak restoration areas.

Redwood Creek Restoration Project (Marin County, CA)
Senior Ecologist and Project Manager (2018 – Present)

Overseeing the vegetation component of a stream restoration project along 1.5 miles of Redwood Creek, adjacent to Muir Woods National Monument. Tasks include analysis of historical vegetation throughout the watershed, analysis of vegetation with respect to hydrology, mapping of current vegetation, rare plant and invasive weed surveys, and development of a planting palette and overall habitat restoration plans.

Alameda County Public Works Agency Open Services (Alameda County, CA)
Senior Ecologist and Project Manager (2009 – 2018)

For over nine years, Mr. Schweitzer oversaw VNLC’s biological services contract with the ACPWA. A total of 37 projects located throughout Alameda County were completed during this timeframe. Services included wetland delineations, habitat mapping, rare plant surveys, tree surveys, wildlife habitat assessments, and the preparation of mitigation/monitoring restoration plans.

 Loma Fire Habitat Monitoring (Santa Clara County, CA)
Senior Ecologist and Project Manager (2017 – 2019)

Conducted post-fire habitat monitoring on 2,000 acres of preserve land that is owned and managed by the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority. Conducted three consecutive years of vegetation monitoring (relevé plot sampling) as well as assessment of rare and invasive plants, soil erosion, and plant community type conversion. Developed recommendations for land management. Documented six special-status plants previously unknown from the study area.

 Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve EIR Support (Contra Costa County California)
Senior Ecologist and Project Manager (2017 – 2018)

Worked with Leann Taagepera Environmental Planning and Josh Phillips of Pacific Biology to prepare the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report in support of the Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve Landuse Plan. Conducted site surveys and wrote environmental sections of the draft EIR, including climate, soils and geology, botanical resources, and sensitive species sections.

Schweitzer, J. 2021. Captive Propagation and Reintroduction of Large-flowered Fiddleneck (Amsinckia grandiflora) in Contra
Costa, Alameda, and San Joaquin Counties. Technical report prepared for the USFWS CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program, Grant No. R16AP00008.

John Vollmar, Todd Keeler-Wolf, Jake Schweitzer, and Jennifer Buck. 2017. Vegetation Classification and Mapping for Wildlife

Conservation in the Kwa Kuchinja Wildlife Corridor. Technical report prepared for the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute.

Bell, Douglas A., Jamie Kneitel, Jake Schweitzer, John Vollmar, and Brent Helm. In Preparation. Longhorn Fairy Shrimp

(Branchinecta longiantenna) Habitat Research in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties, California. Technical report prepared for the USFWS CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program, Grant No. R16AP00031.

Vollmar, J.E., R.F. Holland, C.W. Witham, J.H. Schweitzer, and E.T. Smith. 2013. Predictive Habitat Analysis of Four Rare Vernal

Pool Species in Merced, Sacramento and Placer Counties, CA. Technical report prepared for the USFWS CVPIA Habitat Restoration Program, Grant No. 80270-A-G509.

J.E. Vollmar, J. Stebbins, and J.H. Schweitzer. 2010. Pseudobahia bahiifolia and Pseudobahia peirsonii 2010 Status Survey

Report. Technical report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service CVPIA Habitat Recovery Program, Grant No. 802709G515. Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting, Berkeley, California.

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